Friday, October 31, 2014

Life Guide to Beauty, Style, and Success

To all those beginner beauty lovers out there, this book is most definitely for you. Michelle talks all about beauty, fashion, and business along with many tips and tricks for each category. I do want to warn those of you who actually know a lot about these topics already: this book discusses a lot of information that you probably already know. I would definitely recommend reading a page or two of each section before you buy it, this way you will know if it’s really worth buying.
The layout of the book is great. Each section leads into the next making it a smooth read. Her last few chapters are on business and I found a lot of the information very helpful. She shows you how to write a cover letter and resume along with some basic information for starting up your own company. I don’t think I’ll ever be doing that, but it’s great information to know!
On the downside, like I mentioned before, a lot of what she talks about is stuff I already knew. Like how to remove your makeup or how to care for your nails and hair. Pretty sure most of us know how to do that already… One thing she covered that I really wasn’t a fan of was her chapter on Digital Do’s and Dont’s. In this section she talks about texting and what you should and shouldn’t do. Almost all the information is “duh” information. Plus, some of it doesn’t really have to do with the basis of the book. For example, she dedicates a section to online romance and how to be smart about it. How does that have anything to do with what her book is actually about? To me, it’s a random filler that really should not have been put in the book.
All in all I would give this book a 2 out of 5 stars for reading material for myself. This is not a book I would normally buy, but I thought I should give it a shot since I really like makeup and youtube. For someone who doesn’t know a lot about makeup or business this would actually be a really good starter guide!

I would like to thank  for supplying me this book so that I could review it for you guys!

More Info--BUY IT!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blogging For Books!

    So guys and girls, I am officially starting to blog again, only this time I'm going to try very hard to write every month. I found this website called Blogging For Books on Pinterest and I figured why not check it out. I love reading, and it wouldn't be that bad to write about the books either especially when they're free! It's super easy to sign up, the one thing I will mention that they let you know on the site is that when you do sign up it's better to have a Twitter and Klout accounts because that way you get better/more choices of books. I have a link above to the sight plus I'll post a little bit more info in picture form for all of you who like to see rather than read. 
    The first book I selected that will be at my home in about a week is Michelle Phan's new and first book called Makeup, Your Life Guide to Beauty, Style, and Success-Online and Off.  It was released October 21 so it is a super recent book. And need I mention it again that it's free? Definitely a win- win situation here. I'll share more about the book and my experience after I achieve it in the mail. 

Until then, go read a book!