Friday, February 27, 2015

You Put What in Your Mouth????

    So the title of this post is probably making you wonder what the heck I'm talking about, right? Well ladies and gentlemen do not worry I didn't read some steamy romance book. In fact, this book was far from it. This is What You Just Put In Your Mouth? is filled with information on foods and non food items that we eat or use in our everyday lives. The author speaks about the ingredients of everyday products from coffee to play-doh.
    This book is split into two parts, the first being strictly items that go into your mouth, the second are things you really should not be putting in your mouth. Each "chapter" of the book is titled with the item and a description of each ingredient and what its role is within the product. Some of the products spoken of also have a backstory where the author tells us his story about the pain in the butt process to get the information he needed as well the testing of the product and his results.
    The information I learned from this book is crazy! For example, I am never going to use fabric softener like ever, well at least not the Downy brand. Basically the product contains rendered fat from cattle, sheep, or horses-ingredient name: Dihydrogenated Tallow Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride. This fat, when mixed with ammonium, then in turn layers your clothes in a thin layer of the fat, therefore, blocking absorbency.  So let's say you bought some towels to use for your hands and body. You dry them with the fabric softener after washing and bam! your towels are no longer as absorbent as when you bought them and defeating their purpose. So, the next time you pick up that fabric softener, maybe check the ingredients first before you considering purchasing.
    Cool Whip was another product whose ingredients baffled me. Polysorbate 60 is probably something you've never even heard of unless you actually pay attention to the label on the Cool Whip package and oh, maybe sexual lubricants as well. Shocking right? I thought so too.
    Egg Nog was another big one with a lot of drama behind it. If you're a big eggnog drinker or are someone whose only just seen it in a glass, you know it's yellow in color. Yellow though is not its natural color. The author goes into a deep backstory about how eggnog was not supposed to contain any ingredients such as turmeric, yellow #5, or annatto to add to its coloring. The eggs themselves are not near the sufficient amount to give the color. Supposedly those three ingredients could lead to breaking the law. Crazy right? In the end we found out that this law is not really relevant anymore, if you want to know why I would suggest picking up the book and reading that chapter because it's pretty long, but still very interesting.

    This book is definitely an entertaining and interesting read. I would like to thank for supplying me with it as well! If you're interested in my blog and would like to receive notification for when i post you can enter your email address on the top right hand side of this page. Any questions or comments? Please leave them below! Thanks everyone and have fun reading!

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Clean Slate Cookbook

I really love this cookbook. Let me start by saying the pictures in it are gorgeously done. The colors and presentation of the food are amazing! The food its self, from the couple of recipes I tried, is delicious. I'm trying to eat healthier food and this cookbook has helped with that. Some of the dishes are very simple so there's room for changing them like adding different ingredients to change up the taste. For example there s a cauliflower soup recipe which I added paprika before serving and it gave it a nice kick. There are also different drinks that you can make either in a juicer or a blender and they really make me want to get a juicer because they look so yummy!
I would recommend this to anyone who wants to try healthy foods and drinks. 

I would like to thank  for supplying me with this amazing book!

The Casual Vacancy

Where do I begin with this book. It shocked me that I didn't like this book at all. I started reading it and from the beginning I was bored. There wasn't any crazy action going on until the very end of the book so I was never drawn in with major interest.
You do have to keep in mind that this book was her move away from children's literature and into the adult realm, so that could be why the writing was a bit on the dull side. The book is split into 7 parts with narratives from different characters. It focuses on the death of a local parish councillor and how different men in the community are fighting for the position and how that affects their families and other people around them.
The parish council also has a website which is hacked and rumors about people start appearing and creating major chaos throughout the town. These rumors in my opinion are what kept the book going. If it wasn't for them I think I would've put the book down waaaay towards the beginning.
For anyone who is a J.K. Rowling fan I would say give this book a go. She definitely did something very different with this book.